Smile Gallery

Shelby A.

Sometimes simple treatment is the best treatment.  Invisalign paired with in office whitening provided Shelby with greatly improved function and the cosmetics she desired.

R. Ramsey

We had the pleasure of meeting Rosemary after orthodontics to provide her with in-office whitening and two beautiful new cosmetic restorations.

Pam O.

Simply balancing the bite, replacing old restorations, and adding a few new cosmetic restorations gave Pam a functional and beautiful new smile.

Mona B.

After orthodontics, in office whitening, and a full upper arch of cosmetic and functional restorations Mona finally has a smile that she is proud to show off.

Leigh B.

Spacing, wear, color variation, and breakdown of the upper teeth prompted Leigh to seek a full upper arch of cosmetic and functional restorations.  She couldn’t be more thrilled with the final outcome!

Joanna M.

Invisalign, In office whitening, and a complete upper arch of functional and cosmetic restorations helped Joanne achieve a stable, long-lasting beautiful smile.

J. Cato

By expertly extracting impacted wisdom teeth, our dentist alleviated the patient’s discomfort and minimized the risk of potential complications.

Joe B.

Smile makeover by replacing all upper crowns and adding additional cosmetic restorations as needed to create a uniform, age appropriate smile.

Blake S.

Comprehensive care including Invisalign orthodontic, esthetic crown lengthening to level gum margins, Zoom whitening, and 3 expertly crafted veneers.

Come visit us, we’d love to make you smile.